$39.00 USD

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Creating Space For Your Own Voice!


Are you a voice teacher who doesn't give your own voice enough attention?

Demonstrating something for your students is a piece of cake but singing a whole song with confidence seems a bit daunting?

When you're performing on stage, are you keeping it safe instead of actually using the sound of your choice?

This workshop is for you!

In this 2 hour workshop you'll get:

  • An experience tailored to your needs. So bring the songs you've been avoiding but can't wait to sing, and bring your questions, hopes, fears and dreams!

  • A safe space to challenge yourself, throw your larynx on the floor, experiment and get support from a like minded community!

  • Voice tips and tricks to give you inspiration and strategies to get that voice going!

  • A pop-up Facebook Group for further implementation, support and accountability! 

  • A coach that is 100% on your side! My mission is to guide you to allow yourself to open up your mind and your voice! 



    Thursday March 18th at 1pm EST/18.00 CEST (Swedish time) via zoom.


    Even though it's more fun if you attend live, the workshop will be recorded and you'll have plenty of opportunities to implement in the private Facebook group!


    You'll be directed to a thank you page and recieve an email confirmation (look in your spamfolder if you can't find it!) with the zoom-link and invitation to the Facebook group. The zoom-link will go out 1 day prior to the workshop as well. 


  • You will bring a song you've been longing to sing!
  • We will explore it from your performer soul, not your teacher head 😁
  • You will be the storyteller! So sit back while I'm your director, discovering different sounds and emotions.
  • We will also do some exercises together on "mute" where I'll give you some concepts to try out to find your desired sounds. And feel free to try things out as your fellow participants get coached. 
  • If you don't want to be coached, that's ok too! There is no forced fun :) Explore on mute!



Hi! I'm Matilda Lindell - a voice coach, Certified Master Trainer in Estill Voice Training, and touring singer. Dividing my time performing the stages across the US, and helping singers and voice teachers refine and pursue their voice goals, has brought me an understanding for the challanges that comes with balancing your singer-teacher life. And the benefits of experimenting, right there on stage! So come join me to explore our voices together!



Still on the fence? Read this!

1. So why $39?

It's always a bit confusing to determine value. I tried to make this a no brainer, but compare it against the cost of a Yoga class, Pilates class, a massage, a mani-pedi, Netflix… and check in with yourself to see if this work is valuable to you!

2. Can't attend live? No prob! You can watch the reply and still get coaching in the Facebook-group!

3. Scared about a group experience?

Perfect! You can work the exercises on mute so that no one can hear you unless you would like to be called upon to demonstrate/get coached. I do however encourage people to keep their cameras on to maintain a fun, inclusive environment.

4. Additional concerns? I'm here for you, my inbox is always open :-) [email protected]




The workshop will be recorded, with Matilda Lindell as the owner.